Empty Chairs at Thanksgiving

My recollections of sitting around the dinner table at Thanksgiving are filled with potent memories, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins galore. Eventually, the table configuration added my own family; a wife and children. As the passage of time added people to the table, it also took some away. In my mind’s eye, there are … Continue reading Empty Chairs at Thanksgiving

Widowered Fathering: Figuring Out Our New Traditions

Happy New Year! It’s 2013. Out with the old and in with the new… Wait! seriously? I’m pretty comfortable with some of the old, maybe even a lot of it. Besides, new makes me itch! Itch or not, there is no way around all the new in my life. It seems that it’s part and parcel … Continue reading Widowered Fathering: Figuring Out Our New Traditions

Bake Like A Man

Today screamed for banana nut bread and a little father-son bonding time. The bananas were far too gone to eat and I can’t remember the last time I baked. It is strange to go through the cook books and written recipes and see Carrie’s handwriting. It is a pleasant reminder that she was once here. … Continue reading Bake Like A Man